
Twilight:Vampire disgrace

Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence (generally in the form of blood) of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person.
This is the starting paragraph of the consult: Vampire, that wikipedia offers; one of the sources that I have used for writing this article.

Further in the explanation of the subject the article also offers, etymology, origins, beliefs, pathologies, etc. Regardless of the veracity of wikipedia, it is notable to find a somewhat extensive lecture of the vampiric belief, how it started, what it represented before and now. Throughout the 19th century and the most of 20th century vampires were at the climax of their popularity, transformed from the embodiment of evil to romanticized folklore creatures; there are even categories among the undead, and hole paraphernalia of it.
One could say that eventually the idea of the horrible demon that feasted from blood and represented everything that was wrong got "softer".

Perhaps the idea of immortality got more appealing over the years, the myth has always being portrayed as "horror" nonetheless. This comes to discussion when discussing modern fiction, even the novels of Anne Rice, although great (and I still have them in high regards) they have turned the vampire folklore into a more tragic hero. Still, the novels dwelled around sexual themes and death in a interesting manner, they kept a consistent story, solid arguments that can take the protagonist to extreme and disturbing situations.
That is why you can see well versed fans amongst the followers of Anne Rice not a condensed group of crazy-hormone girls with existential problems running to the theaters screaming: Edward!.
Thus I have a question: What is so scary about a guy that shines in gold in the sunlight? really?
Exactly in which point of the series (novels and movies) do the common folk fear the guy or from what?
It comes then obvious to which audience the books were intended to, therefor the movies, oh, and yes, it created a phenomenon. The problem that comes with having a poor cultural phenomenon like this, is that re-writes the standards for its genre, states new role models to follow, and thus with such a poor character development portrayed as werewolves and vampires, the rest of the good quality work gets ignored.
After spending some years talking and hearing comments in occasional conversations, I have noticed that many people have the vampire theme as a favorite theme to read or see movies, well at least they used to. It was evident that such phenomenon clouded the media enough to not let other related work reach their audiences.
Since in the past years several movies have gone by with no big deal. Just another movie the hit the screens.
Some examples are:

Those are just some movies that went out in the period as the twilight movies, and in the majority of them, vampires are a serious threat or a horror subject. Yet none were capable to overcome in revenue or audience the twilight saga. Which is really disapointing, since for being fictional movies  many had more solid and consistent stories.
Taking 30 days of night, for example, the background set up was pretty convincing, an Alaskan town that enters a 30 days of polar night. The vampires presented in the movie were totally not the romantic type; ruthless, savage and hungry!

Another more or less popular example are the Underworld movies; a classical approach with a renewed fictional story. Perhaps for some a little ridiculous, yet it still is a good plot. As the story goes it presents aspects of a war among werewolves and vampires, and an interesting way of how werewolves have evolved. This story by the way offers also a romance given between a werewolf and a vampire, yet since its not targeted to teenage audiences I think is why it was not given too much attention.

While twilight did a great job focusing on teenagers and creating a succesful teenager love story, it totally destroyed the vampire folklore, creating several inconsistencies throughout the films. This toll payed is quite the sum considering all the books and previous films that are going to be left behind. Now that this kind of vampiric persona is quite popular, I am expecting (sadly) more of this in the years to come.
The first step has begun although, the rumors of making a zombie version of the twilight plot have become true. Warm Bodies, the movie described as "zombie romance" is totally going to happen in 2013.

And I like how the zombies were being held so far, but that's a diferent story. the main point is that this viral thing of making teenager aproaches to normally horror subjects is quite disapointing. Creating a whole  paraphernalia of twisted folklore, diverging entirely from the horror genre and presenting stories that only make sense while you're at that stage of your life when your hormones think for you.
Wonder what will be the next target?


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